Podcasts with thoughts that may change your life

if you real listen to them….
Listening to podcasts is one of my favourite activities because it’s MY TIME to learn new things. And please emphasise on MY and then, TIME.
Brene Brown, Unlocking us
When the lockdown was over, and I had to physically go back to work, I was so happy that I was having again my special time of listening to podcasts. In those days, I discovered Unlocking us, the podcast of Brene Brown, and I started listening one episode after another. You could even noticed that I was starting a new episode from the way I was dancing the intro music. I have to admit I love that beginning soundtrack (I don’t know if that’s the name).
Among all the episodes I’ve listened to, there was one that I replayed several times: Untamed with Glennon Doyle. Listen to it here: https://brenebrown.com/podcast/glennon-doyle-brene-on-untamed/.
I remember how I had to stop several times and take notes. Needless to say, I also read Glennon’s book and yes, as Brene, I also enjoyed it a looooot. I have the e-book but I’m thinking to buy the hard-copy, read it again so I can have the notes, easy to reach all times, any times. I had to breath deep around many ideas, for example:
“A woman becomes a responsable parent when she stops being an obedient child“
“The best way to honor our parents is to trust the women they raised“.
Glennon Doyle
Yes, the book is much about parenting, but I would rather say about families, parents and children, staying small or growing wild.
Organic Olivia: How to sync your life with your period with Alisa Vitti
I didn’t listen to any other episode of “What’s the Juice” by Organic Olivia, so I don’t have an opinion about it. However, this episode with Alisa Vitti was recommended to me by a friend and it was impressive!
One of the ideas that blew my mind was that most research in the nutrition and fitness world is conducted on men and post-menopausal women. So, fasting and many other diet-related strategies with amazing results are actually not tested on young women. All those results are only amazing on men and post-menopausal women! I’m not a man, and not yet at menopausia. So, how come nobody is adding a very important note to us, women in reproductive years?!
This episode opened by eyes so much! It made me actually coming back to me, to see and feel what works with me, and what’s not. It made me double-check any type of “extraordinary strategy” to keep fit, to stay healthy and so on. I realised that to be healthy and live a long and good life, all you need to do are the basics! And the basics I mean building that routine:
- eat more veggies,
- eat less to nothing meat & diaries,
- exercise at least twice a week,
- get 8 or 9 hours of good sleep,
- meditate,
- try to journal, paint or anything that will keep you away from victimising, and getting into sadness, blaming and etc…
The 28-day cycle has a huge impact on women
Among so many rhythms that we have, the moon, the biological rhythm, the 24-hour rhythm, the virus-rhythm (kidding), women also have the infradian rhythm. The infradian rhythm is a secondary 28-day cycle that affects six key systems in the reproductive-aged female body, among the brain, immune system, metabolism, reproductive system and so on.
You have to listen to this podcast if you are a woman, or if you live and love one. If you are not a woman, you will understand better the one you love after listening to this episode. According to this rhythm, women also feel more creative, more talkative or less eager to socialize, depending the week of this 28-days cycle. And it’s so true! Only a woman that is not paying attention to herself, can say that this is not true! All my friends were like, yes, “Of course I’m energetic, I’m ovulating”!
Janet Lansbury, Unruffled
When it comes to parenting, I can’t highlight enough the amazing work of Janet Lansbury. I constantly say that without her books or blog, and now the podcast, I wouldn’t been the parent that I am. I recommend you ALL episodes, but some that were relevant for me at the moment, now that my boy entered in the “terrible twos” … Howevver, since I’ve been listening and respecting her advice since even birth, I have to admit that this age of two-to-three is not easy, but definitely not terrible (at least not yet).
Here is the link of one of the latest episodes that I really enjoyed: Calming Our Reactivity to Children’s Irritating, Demanding Behaviors
And an older one about boys, I remember I shared it with a special friend and I was so enthusiastic about what I’ve learnt: Boys Do Cry and They Need To (with Maggie Dent) And for all working-from-homeparents, you could learn some hints from this episode: 3 Hints for Parents Working at Home.
Here you can find another article where I write about baby-transitions: Practical things that worked with my baby
Lewis Howes about Law of Attraction
Another podcast that gave me such a great energy and pushed a refresh button of my thoughts was about the Law of Attraction, by Lewis Howes with Rhonda Byrne. Check it out here: How The Law Of Attraction REALLY WORKS (Achieve Anything By DOING THIS)| Rhonda Byrne & Lewis Howes or on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30molCgfe4k
I don’t know how you see this “Law of Attraction” theory, but in case you don’t believe in it, it’s only because you didn’t put it to work or do it correctly. My entire life is the proof of this law of attraction: What I’m imagining, I’m receiving. Let me say it even better. Everything I have or I am is a result of my own thoughts, because at some point in the past, I imagined it, I put my attention and intention, and therefore my energy on that specific wish. Living in Valencia, being a professor, having a sunny apartment are some examples of things that at first I “lived” in my imagination. And, in time, life or destiny just brought them to reality, my reality.
This topic would do for another whole article, but pay attention to your thoughts, because you manifest what you think of daily! Thought by thought, start switching slowly your attention, from lacking to abundance, from loneliness to love, and even more self-love, from victimising to gratitude, from sadness to light, and sun. Watch the video and even other Youtube suggestions after (joking) and try it out for a while!
Instead of conclusions
If you are reading these thoughts is because you need some of the messages of these podcasts that I’ve mentioned. Something brought you here… now ask yourself, what is this that I need to learn today?
Thank you for being around and let’s keep in touch! Let me know if you have any podcasts/shows suggestions and your own thoughts if you’ve listened to these recommendations.

Hugs from sunny Valencia, Andreea