About me
Hello dear you,
I am Andreea Apetrei-Kalveram and I love to talk and think and debate and write. When I was around 15, I started to write essays that impressed my Romanian professors. And since then, I realised I enjoyed doing it. That’s why, after many doubts and coming back and then, running away from this space, I decided that I will share with you my thoughts, feelings and ideas.
What will you read about?
I don’t even know, but, in general, my head and heart are dancing with thoughts about parenting, sustainable fashion, books and Valencia. And… maybe life in general, good-life.
Who I am?
In summary, I was born and raised until 26 in Romania. In 2011, while I was doing my doctoral studies in Management, I came with an European scholarship to Universidad de Valencia (Spain)... and let’s breath…. I fell in love with the city, with its energy, with its light, the people, the food, the beach and everything around. And since 2012, I’ve been living here. Meanwhile, I became a professor at Universidad Católica de Valencia, and also a mother. I maintained my interest for fashion, but shifted towards sustainability since I found out the waste and the contamination behind my loved clothes.
I hope to see you around, and if you pass by Valencia, just let me know! I will be more than happy to share with my love for this city. And until then, I hope to see you around this digital space and share together my love for life.
Thank you! Hugs from sunny Valencia, Andreea
In limba romana:
Eu sunt Andreea Apetrei-Kalveram si imi place sa vorbesc. In gimnaziu, scriam eseuri ce o emotionau pana si pe profesoara de romana. Asa ca, am decis sa impartasesc cu voi emotii, ganduri si critici despre mine, despre munca si viata mea.
Foarte pe scurt, am terminat doctoratul in Management (Economie) la Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, orasul meu natal. In prezent locuiesc in Valencia, Spania si lucrez ca profesoara si Coordinator International al Facultatii de Economie din cadrul universitatii UCV, Universitatea Catolica din Valencia. Predau cursuri de Management si Marketing in spaniola si engleza. Am venit in Spania in 2011, cu o bursa la Universitatea din Valencia cand stiam doar vreo 10 cuvinte in spaniola, dar alte cateva sute le intelegeam (ca orice roman) si dupa foarte putin timp … m-am indragostit de oras, de oameni, de clima si de mancare, de tot! Imi place la nebunie acest oras, iar daca treci pe aici, mi-ar face mare placere sa-ti prezint Valencia … chiar e o pasiune pentru mine.
Multumesc pentru ca ma citesti si sper sa te ajute cu ceva aceste ganduri personale!
Pupici din Valencia insorita, Andreea